(滟 / 绢本设色 / 42 × 32 ㎝ / 2017)

Lydia Duanmu:您的畫面非常精緻復古,您能談談您對自己作品的定義嗎?

楊雁翎:我的彩色作品基本都是絹本的,黑白水墨都是在宣紙上。 我從沒想到給自己作品定位或固化一種風格,只想從格調和技術上能夠追溯到宋元,從繪畫面貌上盡可能給觀者提供更多的想象空間。希望自己的作品通過微觀的描繪達到幻像的表達。就我自己的作畫狀態來說,畫畫的時候都是在一種安靜的狀態下進行的,我喜歡這種有我又無我的繪畫狀態,當身心都交付給筆尖,當所有的思考都停留在畫面里時, 具象的我彷彿隱去,與此刻做的事情渾然一體,同時對自己又有一種理性的旁觀,這種狀態讓時間更有意義,我的整個畫面也充滿了這樣的信息和能量。這種理性的思考和克制恰恰是通向自由的捷徑。

(馥 / 绢本设色 / 108 × 78 ㎝ / 2015)

Lydia Duanmu:您的作品大部分是在描述花的生命過程,您對此的執著情懷是什麼?


(妍Ⅱ / 绢本设色 / 108.5 × 78 ㎝ / 2015)

Lydia Duanmu: The tableau of your works is quite delicate and retro. Can you share about the artistic concept in your works?

Yang Yanling: I create color works on silk while black and white ink paintings on rice paper. Yet, I’ve never thought about defining my works or setting a style of my own. I just want to follow the style and techniques of the Song and Yuan Dynasty, and with my tableau, to give the viewers’ more room for imagination. I mean to express the visions through delicate descriptions in my works. Usually I paint when all is quiet. I love those moments when I cannot feel myself while knowing I am there. As I give over my body and mind wholly to the brush and devote all my thoughts to the tableau, I feel as if I had been merged into what I am doing, but on the other side, I keep observing with rationality. Such a status makes the time more meaningful, and saturates my tableau with that message and energy. This kind of rational thinking and self-restraint is right the easy way to freedom.

(潋 / 绢本设色 / 107 × 78 ㎝ / 2017)

Lydia Duanmu: Most of your works are describing the life course of flowers, what’s the consistent idea in them?

Yang Yanling: Compared with of the message of a flower, I focus more on its structure, on whether the structure can bring about more space for changes. In the space of this kind, conventions can be broke, and my interpretation of life can be integrated into the object being described. At current stage, I chose to paint flowers because they provide me with more imaginations and freedom in the tableau.

(甯 / 绢本设色 / 108.5 × 78 ㎝ / 2016)